Friday, August 13, 2010

I wish that I could…

I wish that I could…

It is dark inside; I have neither candle nor any light,
It is dark no matter whether it is day or night.

Jesus I wish that I could die
Jesus I wish that I could feel
I wish that I could cry

Somehow my feelings grow dry I wish for
A place to fall down and never get up
I still scream the words why!

I lack a taste of love,
Forgiveness certainly not human
It can only come from You high and above.

I have the will to forget if only I could hear
What is said sometimes I feel better off dead!

I am weak and the air seems too dry, I try but somehow I don't know why?
In hands of glass I stand trapped with my eyes open wide,
I do but I don't remember the taste of last night.

Your body smothered through my mind as I hover above
an empty ocean trapped between a compass in endless time.

A feeling that seems to
It will get better someday as I pray for the winds to blow
                   my sails away!

I hunger like a pirate
     For gold,
Sailing upon empty seas searching
          For the fruit before I get too old.

Jesus I wish that I could die
Jesus I wish that I could feel
                            I wish that I could cry

Somehow my feelings grow wild,
                              I have fallen I have given up I am dry,
Yet You still whisper the same word to me, why?

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